rock the dub's "RUSH HOUR 3" Giveaway

On Friday, August 10th, 2007, New Line Cinema's Rush Hour 3 hits theaters. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I am definitely going to be there, checking out the next installment in the Lee and Carter saga. I am a big fan of the first two (the 2nd more than the first, mainly for Carter's "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" karaoke), so it's a must.

In saying that, I am proud to offer you, the reader(s) of rock the dub, to win some Rush Hour 3 merch! I wish I was getting some of this for delf, but alas, I am sharing the wears with you lucky rock the dub readers. The only thing you will have to do is send me an e-mail.

That's right, send an email to with your address and one (1) piece of merch that is being given away, and I will pick the winners at random. This contest is going on until August 31st, 2007, so don't feel obligated to get your e-mails in FIRST.

Want to see what you can win? Check these out:

T-Shirts And Baseball caps

We also have tatoos with the ill Dragon Logo on it (pic coming).

In terms of quantity, this is how it breaks down:
3 - RUSH HOUR 3 "SILVER" tees
3 - RUSH HOUR 3 "WHITE" tees
3 - RUSH HOUR 3 baseball caps
3 - RUSH HOUR 3 tattoos

So there will be a total of 12 winners. Got that? Send me an email to; make sure the subject says RUSH HOUR 3 GIVEAWAY. Inside the e-mail, please include the item you'd like to win, and your mailing address. Have your e-mails in by the 31st of August; 12 winners will be picked, at random, from those e-mails.

Simple, right? Send a kite, then go see what looks like one of the funniest movies of this summer!


Trailer: .wmv : .mov

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